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Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 04:30:30 PDT
From: Ham-Homebrew Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-homebrew@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #309
To: Ham-Homebrew
Ham-Homebrew Digest Thu, 20 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 309
Today's Topics:
6 meter conversion
requesting opinion on handhelds
RF Design magazine
specs of Motorola (2N?)9038 and (2N?)8925
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Homebrew@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Homebrew-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Homebrew Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-homebrew".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 19 Oct 1994 21:22:55 GMT
From: derekt@col.hp.com (Derek Toeppen)
Subject: 6 meter conversion
Has anyone converted commercial low band radios to amateur 6 meters?
GE Master II, Motorola Micors/Mitreks. What works and what doesn'?
Derek Toeppen
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 23:21:34 GMT
From: morris@grian.cps.altadena.ca.us (Mike Morris)
Subject: FREE
One Model 28 ASR Teletype, complete.
Includes spare Model 28 RO less cabinet
i.e. a spare printer mechanism with base.
The 28 ASR has a regular friction feed platen.
The 28 RO is equipped with a pin feed platen,
vertical and horizontal tab kits (was used to print
airline tickets). If you really want it I have the
Teleticketer (tm) control box - essentially a 300 baud
autoanswer modem with answerback and a loop current generator.
This unit has been in storage in the back of my garage for the last
5-6 years when the current owner moved from a house into an
apartment and asked if he could store it in my garage. I believe it
was working at that time. He has since lost interest in it, and told
me to get rid of it. Manuals _might_ be available - if any interest
is shown, I will put the prospective buyer in touch with the current
Mike Morris WA6ILQ | All opinions must be my own since nobody pays
PO Box 1130 | me enough to be their mouthpiece...
Arcadia, CA. 91077 |
ICBM: 34.12N, 118.02W | Reply to: morris@grian.cps.altadena.ca.us
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 20:15:29 +0000
From: Leon@lfheller.demon.co.uk (Leon Heller)
Subject: requesting opinion on handhelds
In article <37v24m$13u@u.cc.utah.edu> sinned@u.cc.utah.edu "Dennis Clark" writes:
> I have looked at several brands of handheld ham radios, and I have
> decided on getting either a Yaesu ft530, or a Kenwood th78a. Can anyone
> out there give their opinion of either one, or ups and downs of both? I'd
> also appreciate any other brands you might recommend, and your reason for
> recommending it.
> Thanks
I've had a TH78E for a couple of years (the European version) and I'm
quite happy with it. Having a broad-band front end the Rx overloads
in some environments with strong signals, even with the rubber
duck antenna! I don't really like the sliding cover for the keypad
and I see that they have dropped the idea for the TH78 replacement
that has just come out. I've played with the advanced features, but
don't really use them. I find the tone burst operation awkward - I
don't like the separate button and would prefer it on the PTT.
I've been told that the speech quality is very good with the built-in
mic, and even better with the SMC-33 hand-held mic.
You can set it up so that the Rx covers 50 MHz up to 950 MHz, with
scanner facilities, although this isn't in the manual. AM detection
is provided for the air band. It even has a couple of games programmed
into its ROM!
73, Leon
Leon Heller | "Do not adjust your mind, there is
G1HSM | a fault in reality": on a wall
Email: leon@lfheller.demon.co.uk | many years ago in Oxford.
Phone: +44 (01734) 266679 |
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 13:28:21 +1200
From: toorenburg_l@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz
Subject: RF Design magazine
Is anybody able to give me subscription information for the magazine
Leon Toorenburg ZL2ULG
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 09:46:25 GMT
From: jf7wex@jf7wex.sdj.miyagi.prug.or.jp (Ryuji Suzuki)
Subject: specs of Motorola (2N?)9038 and (2N?)8925
I would like to know npn/pnp distinction, absolute maximum ratings,
some important characteristics and pin connections of Motorola
transistors numbered as 9038 and 8925, used in power supply.
Please tell me.
Thanks in advance.
Ryuji Suzuki JF7WEX
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 09:58:15 -0800
From: rsk@uclink2.berkeley.edu
References<37vqm6$17hu@yuma.ACNS.ColoState.EDU> <bkehr-1810940827340001@hil1mac40.cchem.berkeley.edu>, <carreiroCxwL70.7ut@netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Ramsey 40 meter coverage???
In article <carreiroCxwL70.7ut@netcom.com>, carreiro@netcom.com (Paul
Carreiro) wrote:
> Bob Kehr (bkehr@garnet.berkeley.edu) wrote:
> : for another source of a 40m cw kit, you might try the northern california
> : qrp club (norcal). right now they are taking orders for their norcal-40.
> : if you want more info, send me mail and i'll try to get it for you.
> : bob (ka9mdp)
> Slight correction here Bob. The "Norcal-40" is out of production and has
> been for some time. The current project offered up is a multiband CW QRP
> rig called the "Sierra". The designers of the "Sierra" have put the
> engineering model rigs through massive amounts of pre-production testing
> resulting in a very well thought out QRP rig. First run orders are closed
> but I understand that subsequent order runs will be comming.
> 73 Paul, N6HCS
> Northern California QRP Club Member
Paul, you will find an announcement in the next QRPp that says orders are
being taken for the Norcal-40 again (announcement and info has been coming
out on packet). Production to begin in January. You are also right that
another production run of the Sierra will likely take place in the future
(according to Jim). I have already received confirmation of my Norcal-40
Thanks and 73
Bob, New Northern California QRP Club Member
End of Ham-Homebrew Digest V94 #309